Monday, February 23, 2009

I Won WooHoo

I just want to share with everyone this awesome new website. It is still in beta but it runs very smoothly. It is a social networking site (I know like you need to have another one to keep up with). I high recommend it though
It is called Moms Like Me. There are a few things that are simply great about it. First it is divided up into local areas. So you are talking and connecting with moms in your area. I love chatting online with other moms from anywhere. I especially like to learn how other cultures and different and the same as here in the US. Sometimes though, I just want to go get coffee with the girls.
Since we moved here I was on bed rest and then you know a newborn. Next the back spasms, so getting out and meeting people has been tough. Already I met some new friends. I learned about an indoor playground at a few gyms in the area. The cost is very cheap $2.25. So that was awesome!
Then they also have groups that anyone can make, since it is local, local business come on and make a group to host give away. It is really easy after you've made your simple profile all you have to do to enter these give away's is join the group. It is so easy just click join group. So I joined a few groups when I first signed up. One of them was for a give a way for a fair called NWKids Fest that is happening at the Oregon Convention center this weekend. I won tickets so now we can go. The tickets value for us was 25.00. They let you bring the whole family though so for a family of 5 that is a much higher value. I am so excited I just wanted to share.
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1 comment:

  1. Oooo congrats! That's wonderful. Have fun!


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